1. Where’s the Blues? (M.Rusca)
2. Beautiful Love (V.Young-H.Gillespie)
3. Thingin’ (L.Konitz)
4. Summertime (G.Gershwin)
5. To Lee or Not to Lee (M.Rusca)
6. On Green Dolphin Street (Washington-Kaper)
7. Autumn Leaves (Prévert-Kosma)
8. Anthropology (C.Parker-D.Gillespie)
9. Have You Met Miss Jones? (Rodgers-Hart)
10. I Should Care (Cahn-Stordhal-Weston)
Lee Konitz-alto sax
Mario Rusca-piano (piano solo on n.9)
Lucio Terzano-bass
Toni Arco-drums